معلمات عبد الله العصفور


أيش رايكم في مدرسة عبدالله العصفور الابتدائيه للبنين
من إداره
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ومحتاره أخليه فيها ولا أنقله مدرسه ثانيه؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

ويارب يوفق عيالي وعيالكم

أرجوا المساعده

The appearance of impact, playing a significant role on the PVP, the battlefield is more varied, more complex and more flexible. However, it also caused great distress to some job and made some careers difficult to kill people. Among them, sword, kill and protect physical occupation become incapable. The legal systems careers as control skills are diverse, the impact is not large. For legal systems, semi-legal systems careers, there is an advantage, relatively speaking fast gold in wow.In addition, the most important thing is, PVP has become two-way, before the killing, even if the being attacked side do not want to play, but had to fight. If he wants to escape, he needs to depend on technology, equipment and luck, as well as buy Aion Kinach. A typical is the sneak attack of kill stars wow gold paypal. When steal a person, as long as the equipment is good enough, or good techniques, they are direct spike, stolen people almost has no chance to resist, which is the reason for many people hate killing star, because with certain mandatory metin2 gold.The introduction of lifting the impact, there are no PVP compellability of all professions. If you want to kill people, others do not want to fight with you, you almost no way aion level. Of course, the Master and the deceleration of bow skills have a certain effect. But it is not too good, because there is yellow medicine wow money.
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