السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
هاذي مواضيع عن الكويت بالانجليزي تقدرين تستخدمينها لمواضيع الطلاقة اللغوية للطالبات او اتحطينها في مطويات و بروشورات و ادزينها التوجيه او اتحطينها بالادارة . و اتمنى تستفيدون
Liberation Day (February 26) celebrates the liberation of Kuwait by a multi-national force from seven months of traumatic Iraqi occupation on February 26, 1991. Each year the day is marked with public gatherings and get-togethers. However, the day is also tinged with sadness as Kuwait remembers and honours the martyrs who lost their lives fighting Iraqi oppression and the 605 Prisoners of War still held captive in Iraqi jails
After the proclamation of Kuwait’s independence, the Kuwaiti national anthem was written by the poet Meshari Al-Adwani and was broadcast for the first time on February 25, 1978. The music was composed by Ibrahim Al-Soula and arranged by Ahmad Ali. The ‘Amiri Salute’ was composed by Yousuf Adees in 1951 and was used until February 1978. The ‘National Salute’ consists of the first six bars of the National Anthem.
The National Emblem
The emblem of Kuwait consisted of ‘a helmet with a falcon and two intersecting flags over it’ until the middle of 1963, when the Council of Ministers decided to replace it with a new one. The present emblem of Kuwait is a falcon with outspread wings embracing a dhow (boom) sailing on blue and white waves. It is a symbol of Kuwait’s maritime tradition.
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تسلمين حياتي .. ما قصرتي
سؤال بنات احنا الانجليزي اذا بنسوي مطويات او شغلات جذي حق المدرسة
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