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الرئيسية » مادة الانجليزي للصف الخامس الابتدائي للفصل الدراسي الثاني

مادة الانجليزي للصف الخامس الابتدائي للفصل الدراسي الثاني

Grade five
للسؤال عن المكان1-Where’s the…. / where is the ?
للإجابة اكتب الاتجاهات It’s in the north / south / east…….
و الكلمات الدالة عن المكانunder / next toat the end / between / in / at.

Where is the treasure?
It’s in the north of garden.
It’s under the flowers next to the water.

للاستدلال عن المكان2/ How do I get there?
Go north then walk three steps south-west.

لتحديد الاتجاهات الفرعية3/
Which way is south-west? It’s between south and west.
Which way is north-east? It’s between north and east.
تصريف ثالث للفعل1/Present perfect tense (have / has +
* Have you ever been to Failaka
Yes I have.
Has she ever visited the museum?*
Yes she has.
I have found a coin on the island.
يجوز اختصار الفعل I’ve found a coin on the island.
)فعل+ ( ingاو أسم1/ Good at+
Are you good at sports? Yes, I’m good at swimming.
Are you good at running? Yes, I’m really good at running.

Don’t run now Sara. Go now, Ali./ Hurry up.
الافعال في الامر تكتب بدون اضافات مع كل الضمائر
للربط بين اجزاء الجملة الواحدة او بين الكلمتين3/Use of ”or”
Walk in the day or at night when it’s dark.
الجملة الشرطية1/
استعمال الجملة الشرطية للحديث عن نتائج أفعالنا في الحاضر A/
If I brush my teeth twice a day, they will be strong.
يجوز استعمال الاختصارات في الجمل الشرطية
If we’re late, we’ll miss the appointment.
استعمال الجملة الشرطية لإعطاء النصيحة في حالات معينة B/
If you want healthy teeth, you shouldn’t eat too many sweets.
Use of superlatives:
A/ مع الاوصاف القصيرة the ( high ) est اضافة
Everest is the highest mountain.
بعض الكلمات لا تتطابق مع القاعدة مثل good ——– best
Abdulaziz Hussain is the best writer.

B/ Use of ”the most” قبل الاوصاف الطويلة
Science books are the most interesting.
Dictionaries are the most useful books.
1/Use of the present perfect
The plane has just landed.
Have you just arrived?
Yes, we’ve just flown in from Canada.
2/ Use of ” next to/ between / in front of…لوصف المكان
The car park is outside the airport building behind the shopping centre.

 What would you say in the following situations:

1-You want your sister to give you a dress.
Can you give me the dress, please?

2- Your sister doesn’t brush her teeth.
Brush your teeth or you will have a toothache

3- You ask your friend about the way to the airport.
– How do I get to the airport?

4. Your father wants to sail over the sea.
Use a compass

5. Your sister wants to go to go to the Entertainment City.
Go south> It’s in Doha

6- I brush my gum twice a day
You’ll have healthy teeth

7. You found an old coin.
Take it to the museum

8- Your sister won the running race.
Well done

9- You forgot to do your homework.
I’m sorry

10- Your brother needs help in his project.
I will help him

11 – Your brother wants information about famous scientists.
You can look for information on the internet

12- You need to know how to spell some words.
Use a dictionary

Set Book
Grade Five
 Answer the following questions:
1-Who invented the compass?
Arab sailors invented the compass.

2-Why do people use the compass?
Because the compass can tell us directions.

3-Where does the needle compass point to?
It points to the north.

4-Where is Failaka Island?
It’s in the north-east of Kuwait City.

5-How can we go to Failaka Island ?
We can go to Failaka by boat.

6-Who were the first people on Failaka Island?
The Ancient Greece were the first people on Failaka Island.

7- What can we see in Failaka Island?
I can see the museum and the temples.

8-Why is walking good for you?
*Because walking is good for the heart and muscles.

9-What do you do before walking?
* I stretch before walking.

10- What do you wear in your feet when you go walking?
* I wear good walking shoes.

11-How many teeth do the young children have?
* They have twenty baby teeth.

12-How many teeth do the adults have?
* They have thirty-two teeth.

13-How many times should you visit the dentist?
* I should visit the dentist every six months.

14-What should you do to have healthy teeth?
I should: -visit the dentist every six months.
-brush my gums and my teeth twice a day.
-eat healthy food.

15-What shouldn’t you do to have healthy teeth?
I shouldn’t: -forget to go to the dentist. -eat too many sweets.
-drink fizzy drinks.

16-What might happen if you don’t look after your teeth?
I will get toothache and I might need fillings.

17-Where do you go when you have toothache?
I go to the dentist.

18-Which are your favourite books?
Story books / Science books/ dictionaries/ information books) are my favourite.

19-What can you do with dictionaries?
I can look up how to spell words.

20-Who is Al-Bayruni?
* He is a famous Muslim scientist.

21-What did Al-Bayruni study?
He studied the sun and the moon.

22-What did Al-Bayruni made?
He made maps.

23-What did Al-Bayruni wrote?
He wrote books about Maths,Space,Science and many other things.

24-Who is Ibn Sina ?
He is the most famous Muslim scientist of all time.

25-What did Ibn Sina study?
He studied Medicine.

26-What did Ibn Sina wrote?
He wrote books about Space,Maths and Medicine.

27-Where is Kuwait’s airport?
It’s in the south of Kuwait City.

28-What can you see in the airport?
I can see shops,restaurants and banks.

29-What can you do if you have to wait at the airport?
-I can visit the shops and the bank.
-I can have a cup of coffee or a meal in a restaurant

تسلمي ام عبود
واياكي ان شاءالله
سلام عليكم
ابي مساعدتكم عفيه بنات انا بالانجليزي الله بالخير اطقطق ومشكورين
Write a short paragraph about (foot ball

1.?Where do you play foot ball
2. ?Who do you play with
3.?when do yiu play
4.?How many players are at your team
5.? Who won the match

انا بحاول اكتبه وسامحيني اكيد بيكو فيه غلط
انا بعد الانجليزي عندي مو ذاك الزود

Iam playing football in the club, we playing with our firends last friday.
there are 11 players on each team, and we won the match.

الله يجزاج خير
مفيد جدا للكل وخاص للي ما تعرف انجليزي
جزاكي الله خير
و الله يوفق عيالك يارب
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة 78marimar78 خليجية
انا بحاول اكتبه وسامحيني اكيد بيكو فيه غلط
انا بعد الانجليزي عندي مو ذاك الزود

iam playing football in the club, we playing with our firends last friday.
There are 11 players on each team, and we won the match.

الله يعطيج الف عافيه حبيبتي

خليجيةThank you
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة لولو70 خليجية
الله يجزاج خير
مفيد جدا للكل وخاص للي ما تعرف انجليزي
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة كويتية صغيرة خليجية
جزاكي الله خير
و الله يوفق عيالك يارب
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة um_3boud خليجية
الله يعطيج الف عافيه حبيبتي
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة amani خليجية
خليجيةthank you

تشكرات حبيباتي………

والله جزاكي الله كل خير سهلتي على مهمه كبيرة
العفو حبوبة

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