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فقرة التقييم evaluation في دفتر التحضير لمعلمات الانجليزي

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

حبيت اراويكم جدول مفيد لفقرة تقييم الحصة في دفتر التحضير ووايد فادني
من جميع النواحي و فيه عبارات تفيدج في تقييم حصتج و اتمنى الافادةخليجية

Review/Synthesis of Material:1-Presentation only provided minimal opportunity for the reading to be reviewed.Major ideas appeared disjointed or were only minimally addressed.2-Presentation provided a satisfactory opportunity for the reading to be reviewed.Major ideas were identified and discussed. 3-Presentation provided substantial opportunity for the reading to be reviewed.Major ideas were identified, extended and were fully addressed throughout the presentation.

COLOR="sandybrown"]*******[/COLOR]:1-Students were able to demonstrate basic knowledge of the reading’s main points.2-Students were able to clearly articulate the reading’s thesis and supporting point(s) through examples and details3- A thorough knowledge of the reading was evident. The students were able to answer questions from the ****. They were able to provide examples, details and references to support their responses.

Risk Taking/ Creativity:
1-Students used traditional methods of presentation.Minimal risk taking and creativity was noted. 2-Students use a diverse range of materials and/or activities to examine the reading.3-Their was evidence in the presentation of dynamic and interesting methodologies and/or presentation styles. Much risk taking and creativity was noted throughout the presentation.

Presentation Skills:1-Leadership was not divided equally amongst presenters.Presenters could not always be heard or understood .The presentation reflected the plan minimally2-Student leadership was shared. Presenters could almost always be heard and under-stood.The presentation reflected the plan. 3-All the students in the group shared leadership roles equally. Presenters could always be heard and understood. The presentation reflected thorough and interesting planning.

تحت كل عنوان ثلاث تقييمات و انتي شوفي درسج و على اساسة اختاري تقييمج

الله يعطيج العافيه خليجية
مشكووووورة حبيبتي على المجهود الطيب ..

جزاج الله الف خير… الموضوع اكثر من رااااائع وفوق المفيد..

مشكوره حبيبتي .. موضوعج حده مفيد ونحتاجه
مشكورين عالتفاعل

والمرء بالاخلاق يسمو ذكره

ابداع سويت باتشولي

ابي بعد اشياء جذي حق ابلاتي

ناطرين جديدج

so useful … BIG Thanks


مشكوره وماااا قصرتي
عالاقل خلينا نغير من puplis were active and responsive
  1. وايد حلويـن ..
  2. وتغيير عن المعتاد ..
  3. يسلمووو حبوبه
مشكورة يعطيج العافية

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