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الرئيسية » دشوا دشوا * معلمات الانجليزي . تم تعديل العنوان

دشوا دشوا * معلمات الانجليزي . تم تعديل العنوان

يا ابلات الانجلييييييييزي واللي يعافيكم طالبتكم طلب تكفون لا تردوني
ابي موضوع برزنتيشن عن برج ايفل من عشر جمل تقريبا
الله يعافيكم محتاجته ضروري
الله يوفقها اللي ترد علي
وجزاكم الله الف خير

The Eiffel Tower is one of the most visited places in the world. It means the iron tower and it is named after its engineer Gustave Eiffel. It was built in 1889 and it is the tallest building in Paris, France.It is made of about 10,000 tonnes of ****l and up untill 1950 it was used for radio transmission. Nowadays it has two restaurants,one on the first floor and the second on the 2nd floor.Many tourists nowadys visit the tower because it is the landmark of France. Who would believe that such wonderful tower was once considered awful and ugly? It is a fact that art is, sometimes, appreciated after a long period of time. Eiffel Tower is an architectural marvel.
الله يجزاج الف خير يارب ويوفقج ان شاء الله ويهنيج ويحقق كل اللي ببالج
آآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآمين يارب العالمين

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