وصل الكويت acai berry cleanse 14 days للتنحيف

وصل الكويت acai berry cleanse 14 days للتنحيف


Dietary Supplement. 56 tablets each.

14-Day Acai Berry Cleanse:
Weight-loss flush (Flush away pounds of backed-up matter clogging your digestive system!). Less Bloating! Lose the bulge & the bloat. What if it’s not just excess fat making those jeans feel so tight? What if the belly bulge and bloating that’s making you feel fat, uncomfortable and unattractive was something you could literally flush away – in just days – leaving you feeling lighter, slimmer and more comfortable?
Maybe it’s excess waste that’s clogging up your digestive system. Today’s low fiber, over-processed foods can leave your digestive system sluggish and backed-up, clogged with pounds of waste that can keep you from looking and feeling your best. 14-Day Acai Berry Cleanse can flush those needless pounds away in just two weeks!

Flush away unwanted pounds in just two weeks:

  • Gently cleanse away excess waste and toxins
  • Powerful antioxidants for digestive health
  • Reduce puffiness and bloating
  • Enjoy a flatter abdomen, fast
  • Exclusive natural herbal blend
Powerful natural cleansing & antioxidant formula. 14-Day Acai Berry Cleanse is scientifically formulated to cleanse your digestive tract and get rid of any excess matter that could be clogging your system. In just days, you can experience increased regularity, reduced bloating and a flatter abdomen.

Acai Cleanse Blend:
Blueberry, Mangosteen, Pomegranate and Lychee, along with Acai – the amazing Amazonian superfruit with one of the highest ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity) values of any known fruit, provides a powerful antioxidant blend, to protect your digestive tract from harmful free radicals.

Cleansing Flush Blend:
This powerful herbal formula features Cascara Sagrada, Slippery Elm and Ginger to gently flush away excess waste and toxins, cleansing your digestive system and enhancing healthy intestinal function. At the same time, it comfortably clears away any excess weight that may be trapped in your colon. Experience how only 14 days of cleansing can give you: increased regularity; less bloating; a cleaner digestive tract.

(These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.)

14-Day Fat Burn Cleanse:
Supercharge the results of 14-Day Acai Berry Cleanse or use alone for powerful results. Increase calorie burning. With powerful green tea EGCG. Feel energized. Detoxify. The boost you need to jumpstart your weight-loss plan! If losing weight was easy, we’d all be slim and trim.
It takes real commitment to make the diet and lifestyle changes that result in genuine weight loss. And it’s easy to get discouraged if you don’t see results right away. 14-Day Fat Burn Cleanse delivers powerful EGCG from Green Tea, scientifically studied to burn fat and calories, along with special ingredients to cleanse and detoxify. The result is the boost you need to lose weight, giving you the encouragement you need to keep it up – and keep it off.

Supercharge your results:

  • Increase energy levels
  • Boost your metabolism
  • Cleanse and detoxify
  • Can be combined with 14-Day Acai Berry Cleanse
Thermogenic power combined with easy cleansing and detoxification. This special two-week formula has been scientifically developed to boost your body’s ability to burn fat (thermogenesis) and calories. At the same time, it sweeps waste and toxins out of your system to help you feel lighter and more regular.

Thermogenic and Antioxidant Blend:
Contains clinically researched levels of green tea extract and caffeine to boost metabolic function and increase burning of fat and calories through thermogenesis. Green tea is also one of the most powerful antioxidants found in nature, providing a defense against damaging free-radicals. 14-Day Fat Burn Cleanse also contains kelp to help maintain a healthy metabolism.

Easy Cleanse and Detox Blend:
This exclusive blend of psyllium fiber, dandelion, milk thistle and sweet fennel helps cleanse and detoxify while you diet, to reduce bloating and help you look – and feel – better.

(These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.)

السعر : 25 دينار

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