تخطى إلى المحتوى
الرئيسية » مساعده


بنات مرات اتفشل بلمطاعم ماعرف اتكلم انجليزي
ابي منكم مساعده قولولي شنو الكلمات اللي يقولونها هم ومعناها بلعربي وانا اذا بغيت اطلب شنو اقول


Having a meal at a restaurants

good morning, sir.
A table for one?
Yes, please
Would you like this table by the window?
Yes, thank you
Here’s the menu, sir
Well, what do you recommend?
Well, the roast lamb is very good today
if you prefer fish , there’s Dover sole
I think I’ll have the roast lamb, please
What vegetables would you like?
Some roast potatoes,peas,and spinach
What will you have first?
I’ll have soup and grape-fruit.
to start with
Would you like something to drink?
No, thank you
نقلته من كتاب عندي انشاءالله مافي بدليات

hi how are you ma’am
hi nice to meet you
do you like to ordear?
yes please i want one …….and…….
what do you want to drink?
i’ll have one coke with ice please
ok your meal will come in 15 min.
thank you

ترى انا كاتبته خليجية


اترك تعليقاً

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