السلام عليكم بنات بقيت منكم برزنتيشن انجليزي حق ابتدئي بس يكون سهل ومو وايد

عن الشيخ جابر
our father
Our father jaber Al-Sabah Was BorN iN 1927.Then he Led the country for 28 years. In the years ago he made many Works. He helped all people. He built sociological centers. Then he made a lot of communications with all countries to get the freedom from the Iraqi enemy. after that he tried to rebuild kuwait. we are very sad after his death.
عن الورود
Flowers make our life more beautiful. They heve different smells and colours. They have 3 kinds :natural , industrial and dry flower. people use them in the valintain day , teacher’s day , mothers day and so on. They are used to decorate clothes and houses. And we give flower when we visit sick people,
وؤ بـس وااي تعبت وآنا اكتب خع ., انشاللهـ أفدتج