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اسئلة set book نموذجيه الصف العاشر الفتره الثالثه

السلام عليكم
اسئلة SET BOOK نموذجيه الصف العاشر الفتره الثالثه

أسئلة الكتاب- عاشر فترة ثالثة

Grade 10 Module Three Unit 7
1-There are many sources of energy. Mention them .
a- Oil b- Solar c-Coal d- Wave power e- Natural gas
2- Why is it necessary to develop new ways to provide energy?
Because natural resources are finite .
3- What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different kinds of energy ?
a- Oil :
Advantages : a – Oil is one of the most abundant energy resources .
b- Oil has high heating value .

Disadvantages: a – It causes pollution .
b- It’s very expensive to refine it .
b- Solar :
Advantages : a- It can reduce the household bills .
b- The house can take energy directly from the sun to power household appliances .

Disadvantages: a – It’s very expensive .

c- Wave power :
Advantages : a- Wave energy could provide enough power for the whole planet . b-Wave farms will be invisible.
Disadvantages: a – Wave farms could be a danger to ships and fish.
b- They may put tourists off .

d- Natural gas :
Advantages : a- It burns clean compared to cola, oil (less polluting).
b- It does not produce ashes after energy release .

Disadvantages: a – It is not a renewable source .
b- It is a finite resource trapped in the earth .

4- What are the renewable oils derived from ?
a- They are derived from grain .
b- Wood chips .
c- Agricultural waste .

5- What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the renewable oils ?
Advantages : a- Renewable oil can run most of the vehicles when mix it with crude oil .
b- It reduces costs and pollution .
c- It ensures that the supply of natural oil lasts longer .

Disadvantages : a- It is difficult to replace the crude oil with renewable oil because the renewable oil has many other uses .

6- The use of oil and other fuels are the main causes of the environment damage and global warming . Justify
a-Because of the pollution from vehicles , factories and power stations which has contributed to environmental problems .
b- Drilling for oil can also have detrimental effects on the environment as it sometimes involves the destruction of animal habitat .
7- What is meant by oil refining ?
This is the process by which crude oil is split into many different types of oil , which can then be used for different purposes .
8- Crude oil can be made into many things , like ……
a- Petrol for cars.
b- Polymers for plastic.
c- Tar for roads .
9 – Mention some sources of alternative energy:
a- Wave power . b- Solar energy. c- Wind power .

10- What are the advantages and disadvantages of wave power?
Advantages : a- Wave energy could provide enough power for the whole planet . b-Wave farms will be invisible.
Disadvantages: a – Wave farms could be a danger to ships and fish.
b- They may put tourists off .

11- What are the advantages and disadvantages of solar energy ?
Advantages : a- It can reduce the households bills .
b- The house can take energy directly from the sun to power household appliances .

Disadvantages: a – It’s very expensive .

12- What are the advantages and disadvantages of wind energy ?
Advantages : – It can provide enough power to power some cities .

Disadvantages: -They spoil the countryside .

13- Why is it important for governments to invest in new technologies to provide energy ?
It’s very important for governments to do so because it’s wrong to rely on certain finite sources of energy ( gas , oil , and coal ) and not to discover alternative powers .

14-How can energy be saved at home?
a-By switching off any unnecessary lamps.
b- By reducing the use of electric appliances .

15- To save energy used in cars, we must:
a- Share cars with other people who are going to the same place.
b- Use alternative modes of transportation.
c- If you have a big car , you could replace it with a smaller one.

16-What could happen if we don’t save energy?
We will end up with irreversible environmental problems.

Unit 8

17-Are you for or against Modern Technology? Why?
* For because:
a- It makes our life more comfortable and easy.
b- It makes communications worldwide faster with an eye blink.
c- It saves our time and efforts.
* Against because:
a- We are living a sedentary life style.
b- Many diseases spread because of lack of movement.

18-Islamic society always respects Science and Scientists. Discuss.
a- Because science strives for clear understanding.
b- Science helps to have a greater understanding of the world .

19- Mention some examples of modern technology and its benefits .
a- The AC system that can keep our houses cool.
b-Cars with satnav that can tell us how to get to anywhere.
c-Computers that can help us to communicate with people .

20- Latest Inventions will seem old – fashioned in just a few years. How?
Because scientists are inventing amazing inventions , such as :

a- The 3D television which allow people to watch 3D TV without wearing special glasses.
b- The "Smart Roads" where cars are driven automatically to avoid car accidents and traffic jams.

21- How are cars changing?
a- Cars are becoming more intelligent .
b- Cars are able to drive themselves .
c-They can avoid danger and obstacles( through the use of complex sensors and computer systems ) .

22- How is vegetable oil used?
Vegetable oil can be reused to power cars after it has been filtered and cleaned.

23- Why is bio- fuel preferable to petrol as a fuel source?
a- Because it emits less pollution .
b- It reduces wasted oil .
c- It is completely renewable fuel source .
d- It helps to conserve petrol .

24- Fantasy cars are becoming a reality. How?
a- Car lights come on automatically if dark starts.
b- Windscreen wipes are activated if they detect rain.
c-They can adjust certain suspension or engine power depending on the situation .

25-What should a foreign visitor to the Middle East do ?
a-Visitors must cover most of their bodies .
b-Clothing should not attract attention or be worn to show .

26-What shouldn’t a foreign visitor to the Middle East do ?
a- They mustn’t keep their shoes on when they visit a mosque .
b- They shouldn’t shake hands with their left hands .

27- Why do people need to wear glasses?
a- Some people feel comfortably lost without their glasses .
b- Others need them for watching TV or reading.
28- Modern Technology helps people with bad sight by:
a- Inventing eye glasses.
b- Inventing contact lenses.
c- Inventing Laser Surgery.

29- " Smart Clothes" might help saving lives in the future. Discuss.
a- By transmitting a message to a satellite to help rescue teams to find the wearer.
b- By checking the wearer’s heart rate and blood pressure and transmit this to a doctor.

30- Robomate is an invention that all housewives wish to get because:
a-It has a webcam that helps to check everything at any time in the house.
b-It likes doing jobs housewives find boring.
c-It can look after the house when the owners are out.

Unit 9

31- What are the different ways of payment ?
a- In Cash b- Cheques c- credit cards c. bartering

32- What are the qualities needed to make a good bank manager?
a- A university degree .
b- Good communication skills.
33- Money is a means to higher values. Explain.
*If it is earned, invested and spent carefully, it will reward the individual, their families and society.

34-What did people barter for in the past?
a- Animals b- shells c- beads d- leather e- corn f- tobacco…

35- Bartering was very difficult in the past. Do you agree ?
No, because :

a- The world’s population was much smaller than it is today.
b- People didn’t have to go very far to barter .

36- Where were the first coins made ?
In Lydia .
37- Where were the first banks opened ?
In Babylon in Mesopotamia .
38- Where were the first paper money notes made ?
In China .
39- Where were the first cheques used ?
In Britain .

40-How large is Warren Buffet’s fortune ?
Buffett’s fortune has been estimated in 2024 at over $ 60 billion.

41- How does he make his fortune?
From investing in undervalued stocks of companies, buying them at prices which he thought were below their true value .

42. People need money for many purposes such as :
a- To pay for their daily needs.
b- To start a business to make more money.

43: "Money makes the world go round." Do you agree or disagree ? Justify your answer .
*I agree because :
When some people start a business to make money for themselves, they help their employees to support their families. If this business stops m the employees lose their jobs and cannot afford to buy anything .

44. Love of money is sometimes the root of evil. Explain .
a-Money sometimes spurs criminal behavior.
b-It can lead to wars between countries.

45- " Money talks " Explain this proverb .
-It means that money can control our lives , decides on our choices , influences the others .
– For example , if I have a lot of money , I can control everything in the world and I can control people too .

46- Why is the National Assembly Building so special ?
a- It evokes Kuwait’s rich culture heritage .
b- It is a symbol of political representation within Kuwait .
47-The National Assembly building has become a symbol of political representation within Kuwait.
a- It houses the Kuwaiti parliament, the only parliament in the Gulf.
b- It houses the offices of Kuwait’s leading politicians.

48- The sloping roofs of the National Assembly Building serve both a functional and figurative purpose . Explain .
a- They provide shade for the parking area .
b- They also evoke the traditional Kuwaiti past by representing a traditional souk covered by a tent .

يعطيج العاااافيه
الله يجزاج خير

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