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ابي شرح قصيده winter by shekspear

هاذي القصيده/

Winter ……. ** …..
William Shakespeare

When icicles hang by the wall

And Dick the shepherd blows his nail

And Tom bears logs into the hall

And milk comes frozen home in pail

When nightly sings the staring owl

** Tu – whit , tu –who **

A merry note
While greasy Joan doth keel the pot


when all aloud the wind doth blow

and coughing drowns the parson’s saw

and birds sit brooding in the snow

and Marian’s nose looks red and raw

when roasted crabs hiss in the bowl

then nightly sings the staring owl

** Tu – whit , tu –who **

A merry note
While greasy Joan doth keel the pot

تكفوووووووووون حطو لي الشرح والميوزك والرايم سكيم

حطووووه اليوووم

الله يووووووووووووووووفقكم ياااااااارب

تخيلو كنت غايبه المحاااضره اللي فاتت ولا ادري انه في واجب


تكفووووووون ردو علي


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