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الرئيسية » عااااااااااااااااااجل والله حدي متوهقة بالانجليزي auk

عااااااااااااااااااجل والله حدي متوهقة بالانجليزي auk

بنات الله اعافيكم ابي مساعدتكم
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وسويت هالاشياء بس الثاني موعارفة اسوية بليز مساعدتكم

Bridging Gaps is a non-profit organization that aims at providing varied services to hamper down separation and divorce rates in Kuwait. The mainstream services include counseling for couples, therapy for individuals and children affected by divorce, and social awareness activities. Bridging Gaps intends to appoint qualified professional counselors and psychologists to deal with the problems associated with disintegrating relationships.
Kuwait has one of the highest divorce rates in the World. It has been recently acknowledged that the rate of divorce has gone up by 187 percent in the past 23 years. Nearly seventy five percent of the divorced couples are newlyweds. Bridging gaps seeks to offer help to troubled couples before it is too late by providing counseling to dissolve any possible disputes. According to the Ministry of Planning, 60 percent of children of divorced parents suffer from psychological problems and disturbed childhoods given as their parents fail to provide proper care. For those who have gone through the unfortunate experience, Bridging Gaps finds it necessary to provide therapy to not just the affected adults but also the children involved. Our organization is aimed at restoring peace in the society and encouraging its growth by eliminating the problems faced by the societies basic unit—families.
Many times verbal disputes worsen and take the form of domestic violence- that is verbal/physical/sexual/physiological abuse afflicted by one individual over the other in an intimate relationship. Bridging Gaps endeavors at not only helping couples that are victimized by the evils of domestic violence, but also to create awareness on how to eradicate the issue of domestic abuse.
The intention of our organization is to contribute to a healthy environment and society by bridging gaps between non-functional marital relationships

The main goal of Bridging Gaps is to provide extensive services to couples who are facing problems in their married lives, be it newlyweds or mature companionships to avoid divorce or separation. The objectives of the organization are as follows:
Bridging Gaps aims at extending its services by appointing professionals to help couples in resolving early or mature marriage disputes.
Bridging Gaps wishes at providing a welcoming and comfortable environment for troubled couples to seek help in mending their affected relationships.
Bridging Gaps seeks to minimize the damage that could have happened to an individual following an unpleasant separation or divorce.
Bridging Gaps has the goal of providing effective treatment of psychologically affected divorced couples in order to establish a normal state and condition of mind.
Bridging Gaps endeavors at creating awareness on how couples may deal with and dissolve and conflicts or disputes
Bridging Gaps also desires to provide counseling and help to children who are affected by unhealthy parental separations or divorce.
Bridging Gaps aims at creating awareness regarding the plights of domestic violence and further on how to effectively liberate relationships from he plague of domestic abuse.
Bridging gap aims at raising KD 12, 000 as a start-up cost through Government grant, private and public sponsors and beneficiaries. It further aims at collecting KD 30, 000 on yearly basis to cover up revenue expenditures.

The mission of Bridging Gaps is to contribute to a more healthy society by offering professional guidance and counseling to troubled married couples whose relationships are leading to divorce or separation. The organization aims at doing achieving its mission by facilitating couples with social and psychological assistance and
educational and awareness campaign and services

المطلوب مني اسوي
1- orgnization summary
2- legal Entity
3- start up summary
4- services

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