هذيلا سيت بووك مهمه لا تدرسون الاسئله الباجيه
هذيلا المهمه اذا درستوا راح تيي بالامتحان
الفتره الاولى grad12
1:mention some kinds of laws?
civil laws-قوانين مدنيه
-criminal lawsقوانين جنائيه
لماذا يرسل المجرمين الى السجن
2:why do we send criminals to
to punish them-لعقابهم
to decrease crimes-لتقليل الجريمه
3:why are laws made?لماذا وضع
_to feel secureالشعور بالامان
-to protect the societyحماية المجتمع
4:how do i slamic value in
flunce the law of kuwait?ماتاثير الاسلام على قوانين الكويت
-they are drawn up from the holy quran منبثقه من تعاليم القران
-it ensures toleranceتؤكد على التسامح
5:mention old and new crimes?اذكري امثله للجرائم القديمه والحديثه
-old crimes
-new crime:idntity the ft
سرقة الهويه
لماذا يستخدم المجرمون الانترنت
6:why do criminals use the internet?
to plan crimeللتخطيط للجرائم-
-to pass on confidential informationلتبادل المعلومات السريه
wha do computer crime more difficult to solve than traditional ones?لماذا جرائم الكمبيوتر اصعب حلا من جرائم التقليديه
-criminals are invisible المجرمون لا يمكن رؤيتهم.
-their a ctions are impossible to prove.من الصعب اثبات جرائمهم
8:why is ensuring equal rights is importantلماذ يعتبر اثبات الحقوق المتساويه<<مهم
-to protect in dividualsلحماية الافراد
-to keep a safe societyللحفاظ على المجتمع
9:why should their be speed limit in residential areas?لماذا يجب ان يكون هناك حدود للسرعه في المناطق السكنيه
-to prevent accidentsمنع الحوادث
-to ensure safelyلتامين السلامه
10:how should speed drivers be punished?كيف يجب ان يعاقب من يتعدى السرعه
-they should pay fines.يدفع غرامه
-they must be sent to prison.يرسل الى السجن
11:how has kuwait provided agood home for skilled workers?كيف منحت الكويت مكانا جيدا للعاملين المهره
-good jobs.عمل جيد
-good standard of living.مستوى جيد
12:why do animals migrate?لماذاتهاجر الطيور والحيوانات
-to raisr their young.لتربية صغارها
-to look for food.للبحث عن الطعام
what are the advantages and disadvantages of migration?
-better life.
-better jobs.
-losing identity.
-imigratoin of skillful workers.
14:how do animals know whrer to go when they migrate?
-they use the sun.
-they have compass in their heands.
15:what are the aims of k r c s?
-protect people in hard ship.
ensure human need.
16:waht are the aime of the foreign diplomat institue in kuwait?
-training diplomat staff.
-it is the government think tank.
17:how do governments protect human rights?
-by impsing law.
-by having legislation.
18:waht are the merits of identifying human values?
-to know our rights.
-to respect our rights.
mentoin some environmental problem1:?
2:waht are the causes of desertification?
-dry climate.
-over cultivation.
3:what are the results of deforstation?
-eroding soil.
-wild fires.
4:whay are the rain forests being destroyed?
-to grow soya beans.
-to look for oil.
5:how can kuwait change desert to green land?
usng fertilizers.
-using green houses.
6:how can kuwait consume less water in their day to day lives?
-replace shower heads.
-fix the pipe leaks
7:how can the rainforests of the amazon affect the gives fresh air?
-it gives fresh air.
-source of wood.
8:how can the goverment of kuwait protect human resources?
-awarness programmes.
-running campaigns.
9:why is recycling important?
-we are running out of resourses.
-we are running out of land fill sites.
10:how can we solve the problems of waste?
-recycling the waste.
-using things in moderation to make less waste.
-cotton fibre.
-wood pulp.
12:what are the adventages of using trees to make papers?
-new trees are planted.
-using other part in other in industries.
13:how can paper recycling be less harmful?
-saving water.
-saving electricity.
14:what are the main resources in kuwait?
-the gulf water.
why are humans the bigges threat to pandas15
-they hunt them for their skin.
-they use their habitat for farming
16:how can the government protect rare animals frome extinction?
setting reservation.
-preventing hunting.
17-why does arfaj have ahistorical significance to kuwait?
a natural medicine.
-a source of fire wood .
18:how do plants protect themselves from the ene mies.
by having sharp thorns.
by poison.