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الرئيسية » أبــلات الانجلــش ~~plz~~

أبــلات الانجلــش ~~plz~~

السلام عليكم خواتي

بإختصار ..

مطلوب مني باجرالخميس اقدم في اجتماع القسم موضوع عن اي شي مختص بالانجلش

او عن التدريس عموما مثل .. شلون استخدم الوسائل او شلون احفز الضعيفات او شلون

افضل ترتيب للضف.. اي موضوع ممكن تساعدوني فيه ويكون مكتوب بالانجلش

صفحتين مو اكثر .. المفروض انا اقدم عن ( استخدام الكمبيوتر في التدريس )

لكن راضيه بأي مساعده .. وشكرا مقدما


ولا رد ؟؟

بليز اي شي عندكم بالانجلش عن اي شي مو مهم

اهلين نف نف حبيبتي خليجية

تفضلي هذا حبيبتي واتمنى يفيدج
Teaching Aids

*-The aids can be categorized into four main types :-

-These types are visual, aural, audio-visual and language games.

(A)-Visual aids include wall-pictures, posters, drawings, charts, maps,

objects, cloth or magnetic-board, plastic figures and cuttings. They also

involve projected visuals such as film strips-projectors or OHP & slides.

(B)-Aural aids compose radio programmes, taped materials and language labs.

(C)-Audio-visual aids consist of films, videotapes, TV and microcomputers.

(D)-Language games are of many sorts and levels such as card-games.

*-Why do we use Teaching Aids? “ in general”?

(a)- To save time and effort in class

(b)- To stimulate interest in the foreign language.

(c)- To explain concepts and illustrate meanings.

(d)- To reinforce meaning.

(e)- To direct or promote conversations in-groups.

(f)- To provide cultural background.

N.B. Each type of the teaching aids has its own characteristics and function.

Some of them are more effective than others. The teacher should be

careful to choose the most appropriate aid that best serves the teaching


*-Characteristics of a good teaching aids: –

-The teaching aid should …….. / be ……. : –

1-suitable for the teaching objectives.

2-correlate with the **** material or class-work.

3-simplify the learning process.

4-be of appropriate size and attractive.

5-provide language experience to improve communicative competence.

6-evoke interest in the foreign language.

7-motivate pupils to practise language individually, in pairs or in-groups.

8-Easy to use or manipulate deal with skill .

9-be available in classroom or school environment.

(A)-Some types of basic Visual Aids used in the classroom: –

I-The Blackboard: II-The Cloth or Magnetic board: –
III-Flash Cards: – IV-Wall Charts
V-Pictures: – VI-The Overhead Projector: – (OH P)

(B)-Some types of Aural Aids used in the classroom: –
I-The tape-record: – II-The language laboratory:-
III-Radio programmes
(C)- Some types of Audio-Visual Aids used in the classroom:-
I-Television: – II- Films: –
III- The computer:

شوووووكرااااااااااااااان يااااااااااااعسل

ماقصرتي بعد عمري تسلمين


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