موضوع اليوم خفيف للغاية
راح نتعلم مرادفات بسيطة لمعنى التاكسي : سيارة الاجرة
درسنا بالمدارس أنها بس
في الواقع لها مرادفات أخرى
كاب cab
taxi cab
yello cab
black cab
hackney cab
سيارات الأجرة المصبوغة باللون الأصفر .. وهكذا !!
A taxicab, also taxi or
is a type of vehicle for hire, with a driver
for a single passenger, or small group of passengers
New York City taxicabs during Midtown rush hour in Manhattan
A taxicab in San Francisco
Taxi Cab in Dryden, Ontario
VW Beetle taxi in Mexico City
LTI Fairway in London
Three-wheeled Coco taxis in Havana, Cuba
Red Taxicabs in Hong Kong
the cuban weird cabs look like some kind of nuts
My pocket is deep ,buddy
Yeah, it’s what look like a giant snail each, too
double take ! AA ha ha
your pocket should go on diet
Yes i have plenty to share around |
generous… typical kuwaitiya
thumbs up
Thumbs Up
Fist Bump >> Which is becoming very popular In U.S
But I’m still sticking with the traditional shake hand
But I’m still sticking with the traditional shake hand |
old fashion dies hard