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يلا يا حلوات لمحبات الانجلش نبي تفاعلكم

اشلونكم يا حلوات
happy new year
نلي تفاعلكم في هالموضوع وصدقوني راح تستفيدون
كل وحده تكتب جمله او موقف صار معاها او حكمه بالانجليزي والثانيه والعضوه الي وراها تترجم بالعربي عشان الكل يستفيد

يلا من يبدي ؟
ابي اشوف تفاعل عشان ابدي
i,m waiting for your react

عيل انا ابدي
last week i saw my friend and she told me about her vacation that she,s spent in usa she said that when she had talked with some of amerecan about kuwait, they all had wonderd where was it ?where is it located on the map ? actually my freind was surprised. she told them usa was abig supporter to kuwait during iraqi invasion in 1990
she thought that we are well known world wide
الاسبوع الماضي..رايت صديقتي التي اخبرتني عن اجازتها التي قضتها في الولايات المتحده. قالت لي انها عندما تحدثت الى بعض المواطنين الامريكان.عن الكويت..كلهم تسالؤ اين تكون؟؟ (اعتقد هنا فيه غلط..بدل ال was المفروض is.. والله اعلم ) واين تقع على الخريطه؟؟
في الواقع اصدقائي كانو مندهشين. هي اخبرتهم ان الولايات المتحده كانت داعم كبير للكويت خلال الغزو العراقي في 1990
هي اعتقدت اننا سوف نعرف العالم بعرضه.

شطوره انا..اسمع احلى صفق..يالله

مع حبي وربي…….خليجية

حبوبه تمشي الثنتين was وis عادي
بس حبوبه اخر شي ترجمتها well known معناها معروف
ونرجمتها اعتقدت انها معروفه في العالم او على نطاق العالم
for all natives in kuwait
there is grant 500 kd for all us
don,t believe me its a rumor
just kidding

The jerk who likes being on your tail 24/7 watching your every move and chasing your mistakes. he bugs you and can do something come hell or high water in order to destroy you, tottly. You know wa? Because he thinks that if you get impressed, he will screw..

He’s not from people friendly. & + When you come talk to him. asking him "what would it be possibly served doing such a thing? hurting people .. ruining people’s ideas about the rest crew?" he’s gonna say : you shouldn’t take it personal. This is me.. and i can’t walk away from my old me.

.. Sounds this just means : and i still do ..
and this will keep going on and on

But everything has a limit. When he pushes too far ..so, the best thing to do : is to stop being around. And don’t repay in kind .. bad deeds should’nt repay the same way.. But as you came in peace, off the place in peace, too.. wave all "la la" and leave that cocky be

I quit my job recently because someone from this type

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة brettey خليجية
for all natives in kuwait
there is grant 500 kd for all us
don,t believe me its a rumor
just kidding

لكل المواطنين الكويتيين

راح يكون لنا 500 دينار ههههههههههههههههه

لاتصدقون هذي مجرد اشاعه .. قاعده اضحك معاكم

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة puppet خليجية

the jerk who likes being on your tail 24/7 watching your every move and chasing your mistakes. He bugs you and can do something come hell or high water in order to destroy you, tottly. You know wa? Because he thinks that if you get impressed, he will screw..

He’s not from people friendly. & + when you come talk to him. Asking him "what would it be possibly served doing such a thing? Hurting people .. Ruining people’s ideas about the rest crew?" he’s gonna say : You shouldn’t take it personal. This is me.. And i can’t walk away from my old me.

.. Sounds this just means : And i still do ..
And this will keep going on and on

but everything has a limit. When he pushes too far ..so, the best thing to do : Is to stop being around. And don’t repay in kind .. Bad deeds should’nt repay the same way.. But as you came in peace, off the place in peace, too.. Wave all "la la" and leave that cocky be

i quit my job recently because someone from this type

الغبي او الحقير اللي يحب يكون لازق فيج 24 ساعه 7 ايام بالاسبوع يراقب كل تحركاتج ويلاحق كل اخطائج وممكن يسوي اي شي بس عشان يدمرج تدرون ليش ؟؟ لانه عباله اذا الناس اعجبوا فيج فهو راح يتدمر

اهوا مايعتبر من الناس واذا جربتي تكلمينه وتسئلينه شنو اللي راح تستفيده من هالحركات ؟؟ وتأذية الناس وتحطيم افكار الناس الثانيه ؟؟ راح يقولج .. لا تاخذين الموضوع بشكل شخصي !! هذا انا وماقدر اغير نفسي !!

وطبعا هالكلام يعني انا ماراح اتغير وهاللي اسويه راح يستمر !!

بس كل شي وله حد .. لما يضغطني حيل !! عشان جذيه احسن حل اني ما اكون متواجده حواليه ولاتردين عليه بطيب لان الاشخاص السيئين لازم ينرد عليهم بالمثل ..

ومثل مادخلتي هالمكان بالطيب طلعيه بطيب خليجية

سلمي عالمكان وطلعي منه وخلي هالمغرور

انا استقلت من وظيفتي توني بسبة شخص من هالنوعيه


ان شالله ترجمتي سنعه خليجية

up up up
thanks for the cooool subject dear

wish you and all the users to have fun

love you prettey and i feel that you are so sweeeeet

Good Luck

i have problem with my friend
she,s so possessive and i can,t take this any more it,s intolerble she had exceeded her limit,i want to leave her but i,m hesitant
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة متواضعة خليجية
thanks for the cooool subject dear

wish you and all the users to have fun

love you prettey and i feel that you are so sweeeeet

Good Luck

اشكرج على الموضوع الحلو واتمنى لج انتي وكل العضوات انكم تستمتعون
احبج يا brettey واحس انج وايد حبوبه (لطيفه )
واتمنى لج حظ سعيد

حياتي انتي يا متواضعه thanks alot god bless you

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة puppet خليجية

The jerk who likes being on your tail 24/7 watching your every move and chasing your mistakes. he bugs you and can do something come hell or high water in order to destroy you, tottly. You know wa? Because he thinks that if you get impressed, he will screw..

He’s not from people friendly. & + When you come talk to him. asking him "what would it be possibly served doing such a thing? hurting people .. ruining people’s ideas about the rest crew?" he’s gonna say : you shouldn’t take it personal. This is me.. and i can’t walk away from my old me.

.. Sounds this just means : and i still do ..
and this will keep going on and on

But everything has a limit. When he pushes too far ..so, the best thing to do : is to stop being around. And don’t repay in kind .. bad deeds should’nt repay the same way.. But as you came in peace, off the place in peace, too.. wave all "la la" and leave that cocky be

I quit my job recently because someone from this type

if you want my advice
ignore her as she never exist

thanks alot i,m appreciate you all

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