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الرئيسية » ||~ والــي يعافيــكم أبي بريزنتيشن للENgilsh عن الكاكاو والشوكولا

||~ والــي يعافيــكم أبي بريزنتيشن للENgilsh عن الكاكاو والشوكولا


مراحبــــــــ بنات

كيف الحال

أنشالله تمام

والي يعافيكم أنا بعاشــــــر ومحتاره خليجية اطلع موضوع

جانــــــــ اقول ابي عن الشوكولا


والابله تبي موضوع يشوق ويجذب عــــــاد أنـــــا قلت

راح اسوي عن الكاكاو ويكون في فقراتــــــ عن الكاكو

وراح اعرض صور البيت إلي مصنوع من الكاكاو خليجية

وراح اسوي فقره تصويتـــــ عن افضل كاكاو مشهور

فأبي كلام عن الكاكاو وحلو ومنسق والي

وانا انطركم لأني مالي غيركم

شكـــــــــــرا حبابي

حبيبتي مادري شلون اساعدج لان مادري انتي شنو تبين بالضبط يعني تبين تتكلمين عن الككاو من اي ناحية
قوليلنا شنو تبين تقولين وشنو الفقرات عشان نساعدج ونترجم اللي تبينه بالانجليزي

هلا والله حبيبتــــــي

انـــا بغيت موضوع عن الكاكو بكل النواحي

طعمه وشكله وصناعتهـــــ

إذا مافي باللغه الأنجليزيه مو مشكله ان اترجمه

يعني عن اصنافه ومكوناته ومن هذا الكلام والي يعافيكم

تبين oral ؟؟؟؟

ولا برزنتيشن بور بوينت يعني ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

في الحالتين …… قوليلي و ارسليلي عالخاص و انا من عيوني الثنتين ….. اوكي ؟؟

بنات أبي موضوع عن الكاكاو
Chocolate has been used as a drink for nearly all of its history. The earliest record of using chocolate dates back before the Olmec. In November 2024, archaeologists reported finding evidence of the oldest known cultivation and use of cacao at a site in Puerto Escondido, Honduras, dating from about 1100 to 1400 BC.[7] The residues found and the kind of vessel they were found in indicate that the initial use of cacao was not simply as a beverage, but the white pulp around the cacao beans was likely used as a source of fermentable sugars for an alcoholic drink.[7] The Maya civilization grew cacao trees in their backyard,[8] and used the cacao seeds it produced to make a frothy, bitter drink.[9] ********s in Maya hieroglyphs stated that chocolate was used for ceremonial purposes, in addition to everyday life.[10] The chocolate residue found in an early ancient Maya pot in Río Azul, Guatemala, suggests that Maya were drinking chocolate around 400 AD. In the New World, chocolate was consumed in a bitter, spicy drink called xocoatl, and was often flavored with vanilla
اب اب اب اب
يابنات شلون أنزل صور؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟خليجية
مرحبا بنات انا عضوة جديدة معاكم اتمنى استفيد منكم و تستفيدون مني إنشالله و هذي أول مرة اشارك فيها في منتدى
و في البداية حبيت اساعدج حبيبتي بالموضوع ,, هذا الي لقيتيه بمواقع انجليزيه واتمنى افيدج

History of chocolate
The tasty secreht of the cacao (kah KOW) tree was discovered 2,000 years ago in the tropical rainforests of the Americas. The pods of this tree contain seeds that can be processed into chocolate. The story of how chocolate grew from a local Mesoamerican beverage into a global sweet encompasses many cultures and continents.

The first people known to have made chocolate were the ancient cultures of Mexico and Central America. These people, including the Maya and Aztec, mixed ground cacao seeds with various seasonings to make a spicy, frothy drink.

Later, the Spanish conquistadors brought the seeds back home to Spain, where new recipes were created. Eventually, and the drink’s popularity spread throughout Europe. Since then, new technologies and innovations have changed the ****ure and taste of chocolate, but it still remains one of the world’s favorite flavors.

Making chocolate
Turning cacao (kah KOW) seeds into chocolate requires time, effort, and artistry. It’s a fascinating process that takes you from tropical rainforests to gleaming factories.

First, farmers grow cacao, and then they harvest, ferment, and dry it by hand. Next, traders and import/export houses sell the seeds on the Coffee, Sugar, and Cocoa Exchange to companies that process the seeds into various chocolate products.

: Making Chocolate from Cacao Seeds

Harvesting Cacao is Hard Work
We tend to think of chocolate making as an assembly-line process. Most people picture automated presses plopping out candies onto conveyor belts at speeds unmatched by humans.

But before cacao reaches the machinery of a chocolate factory, it must first pass through the hands of a farmer.

Making chocolate takes years of manual labor.
Like most agricultural crops, cacao must be closely monitored by farmers. They regularly walk their fields and check for pests, molds, and diseases that can potentially wipe out a whole harvest.

In addition, a farmer must spend three to five years caring for young cacao trees before they’ll produce their first yield.

Cacao harvesting is done by hand.
Unlike many contemporary crops, cacao can’t be harvested by machines. Each thick pod growing off the trunk and branches of the cacao tree must be plucked by hand.

Cacao farming has faced many labor issues.
Because it takes lots of backbreaking work from many people to care for cacao, workers rights were often a major concern for cacao farmers. At one time, European countries even resorted to slavery as a way of supplying cheap labor for crops like cacao.

حتى<<آنا ابي موضوع برزنتيشن عن الكاكاو …يمي
بنات شدعوة ابية خمس اسطر بس

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