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الرئيسية » ابي تعبير انجليزي الحين تكفون ابيه باجر

ابي تعبير انجليزي الحين تكفون ابيه باجر

الله يخليها اللي بتساعدني ابي تعبير انجليزي عن الحيوانات والطيور بالكويت ثلاث او اربع سطور تكفون ضروريخليجية


حبيبتي هذا الموقع شوفيه و اللي تبين نسخيه في مواقع الترجمة الفورية و ان شاء الله اكون فدتج

شوفي هذا زين؟؟

Kuwait is home to numerous species of insects, animals and birds. Among the diverse insects the most attractive group is that of butterflies. Several beautiful varieties are found here and the best time to see them is Spring. There are 38 recorded reptiles in Kuwait, comprising of a variety of snakes, lizards, geckos etc. Besides, there are 50 listed varieties of mammals a number of them are endangered species. Some commonly found animals include hedgehog, wolf, wild cat, Gazelle etc. Nearly 280 species of birds have been recorded here. Incidentally, most of them are migratory birds.

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