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ابي بحث عن اللغه العربيه بالانجلش

مرحبا بنات طبعا العنوان واااااضح الله يخليكم اللي تعرف مواقع تتكلم عن اللغه العربيه اهميتها علمائها اي شي يخص العربي شرط يكون بالانجلش تسدحلي الرابط واهم شي عناصر البحث مراجع الفهرس المقدمه وخاتمه ارجوووووووكم بنات ارجوكم ولكم كل الشكر خليجية

هلا والله خليجية

مادري اذا كان هالرابط يفيدج :

موووووفقه خليجية




طلعت موضوع عن اللغه العربيه وترجمته بقوقل عاد انتي ترجميه واقريه واذا ما اعجبج او ما لقيتي غيره احسلج تطلعين اي موضوع وتترجمينه خليجية

Arabic more languages ​​of the Semitic group of speakers, and one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world, spoken by more than 422 million people, 1 and distributed its speakers in the region known as the Arab world, in addition to many other nearby areas Kalahois, Turkey, Chad, Mali, Senegal and Eritrea. Arabic language of the utmost importance to Muslims, it is a sacred language (language of the Qur’an), nor is prayer (and other acts of worship) in Islam, but some of the lyrics perfectly. Arabic is also the language of a major ritual in a number of Christian churches in the Arab world, as I wrote out a lot of the most important works of Jewish religious and intellectual in the Middle Ages. And the impact of the spread of Islam, and for founding nations, in the high status of the Arabic language, and became the language of politics, science and literature for centuries in the territories ruled by Muslims, and influenced the Arab influence, directly or indirectly to many other languages ​​in the Muslim world, Kturkah, Persian, Kurdish, Alerdoah, Malaysian, Indonesian, Albanian and some other African languages ​​such as Hausa and Swahili, and some European languages, especially the Mediterranean, including Kalaspainh, Portuguese, Maltese and Sicilian. It also taught formally or informally in Islamic countries and African countries bordering the Arab world.
Arabic an official language in all countries of the Arab world in addition to being an official language in Chad, Eritrea and Israel. One of the six official languages ​​of the Organization of the United Nations.
Arab contain 28 characters in writing. According to some linguists, it must be added to the letter hamza Arabic letters, for a number of characters 29. Write Arabic from right to left – like the Persian language, Hebrew, unlike many of the languages ​​of the world – and from top to bottom.
Contents [hide]
1 Names
2 classification
3 history
3.1 its inception
3.2 decline from the Semitic languages
3.3 unification of Arab dialects
3.4 era of prosperity
3.5 era of recession
3.6 era of recovery and the current situation
4 dialects and classical
4.1 bilingualism and its consequences
5 Arabic writing
5.1 Line of modern Arab
5.2 Figures
6 Pronunciation
6.1 votes
6.1.1 Msotat
6.1.2 Soamt
7 Arabic Sciences
7.1 as
7.2 Rhetoric
7.3 Prosody and rhymes
7.4 knowledge derivation
7.5 Discharge
7.6 Expression
7.7 synonymy and contrast
8 Education
9 Arabic dialects
10 languages ​​using the Arabic alphabet
11 impact, vulnerability
11.1 Arab influence in other languages
11.2 influence of foreign languages ​​to Arabic
12 corresponding Arabic letters
13 coordination of the meanings of the letters in alphabetical
14 Localization
15 Writing
15.1 Arab Latin letters
15.1.1 historically
15.1.2 the modern era
16 See also
17 footnotes
18 References
19 and the external links
[Edit] Names

"Language of the Koran" as the Qur’an was revealed, his name became known.
"Daad language" is the name given by the Arabs to their language, especially the Arabs Valdhad There are no words in the non-Arabs except in a few. [3] [4] [5] Therefore, it was in the view of Abu Tayeb Mutanabi:
And their pride of both bands D and adverse charm offender and fugitive Relief
Where they went by the Arabs in particular. [3]
However, the unintended daad daad here is not used today in the classical, which is a D Mfajma, daad The old Arab was another voice a mix between the Za and Lam, and merged the sound with the Za in the Arabian Peninsula. Because the Y is Mfajma Za, ie a character – between – my teeth, in turn, has shifted to urban metamorphosis Althae Mfajma D to V and are altered to D, and became the signifier Almfajma daad is fluent modern. Valdal Almfajma not specific to Arabic, but is in fact present in many languages. It is not the original daad was concerned Mutanabi perspective and the son of the owner of the San Arabs and others. [6] [7]
[Edit] classified

Arabic belongs to the family of Semitic branch of Afro-Asian group of languages. The group of Semitic languages, the languages ​​of the ancient civilization of the Fertile Crescent, Kalokadah) and the Canaanite and Aramaic, languages, and some South Arabian languages ​​Kalomehrah the Horn of Africa. Specifically, sets of Arabic linguists in the Semitic group of Semitic languages ​​Central Bank, in doing so, the North-West Semitic languages ​​(ie, Aramaic, Hebrew and Canaanite) are the earliest Semitic languages ​​into Arabic.
And Arab from the latest of these languages ​​the origins and history, but some believe it is closest to the Semitic language the mother who gave birth to the Semitic languages ​​other, for the retention of the Arabs in the Arabian Peninsula, not subjected to what was to him the rest of the Semitic languages ​​of mixing. [8] But there are contrary to this opinion among the scholars of linguistics, where language change is a continuous process over time and geographical isolation may increase the severity of this change begins with the emergence of any new language emergence of a new tone in an isolated area geographically.
1 of Semitic languages
┤ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┌
2 3-Semitic Semitic Oriental Western
┐ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ├
4 and 5 South Central

6 northwesterly

7 languages ​​Arabic

8 Arabic
[Edit] history

[Edit] origins
Main article: History of Arabic
There are many opinions in the origin of Arab States to the former linguists Arabs goes some to express was first expressed in his tongue and spoke this tongue Arab named after the language name, and mentioned in the Hadith that the Prophet Ismail bin Ibrahim, the first from a hernia of the tongue in Arabic listed, the son of fourteen years, while he forgot the words of his father, and the others goes on to say that Arabic was the language of Adam in Paradise, 2 except that there is no scientific evidence or the sayings of the Prophet fixed outweigh any of the claims [9].
If adopted the scientific method and on the findings of linguistics and archeology, history, the most that can be said that the Arabic language in all the dialects emerged from a group of dialects known as the northern dialects of Ancient Arabia. The languages ​​of the southern Arabian Peninsula, or what is now Yemen, and parts of Oman differ from the language of Arab North that emerged from the Arabic language, was not involved with it only being one of the Semitic languages, was the Muslim Scholars applicants are aware of that until Abu Amr ibn al-Ala (770 m) "What tongue does not donkeys Bulsanna Arabiythm Barabiytna."

Tombstone of a man who Qays ibn ‘Amr King of confusion 0.3
Archaeologists have classified the Old North Arabian inscriptions discovered so far to the four groups are Hasaitic (relative to the Al-Ahsa) and Elsafaúah and Aldedanih and Thamudic, and the latter have nothing to do Thamud tribe, but is the designation terminology. I have written all these inscriptions ascribed to the line (ie, the line typed languages ​​south of the island), the most distinguishing feature of these dialects of Arabic to use the definite article "e" or "are", and the oldest dates back to several centuries BC. The oldest inscriptions in Arabic Btorha now known they are carved hastily bin Hfm which was found in the village of FAO (near descendant) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, has written in bold predicate and returns to the first century BC, the inscription was appointed slaves in the Negev desert, and dating back to the century the first or second birth, has written the letter Nabati. Among the most famous inscriptions in Arabic inscription Alnamarh discovered in the Syrian desert, which the **** was dated 328 AD and written a kind of line Nabati short of the line current Arab, a drawing of the tomb of King puzzled man who Qays ibn ‘Amr in which he described as "king of the Arabs." [10 [11] [12]
Did not know exactly when they appeared the word Arab; as well as all vocabulary derived from the asset that contains the characters eyes and ra and Alaba, such as Words: Arab and Arbab and others, and the oldest **** of the archaeological mention of the Arabs is the board cuneiform attributed to the king of the Assyrian Shalmaneser III in the ninth century BC , in which he stated his victory over the Alliance of the kings of Aram against him led by the king of Damascus, and that sheep thousand sentences of Jndebo from the land of the Arabs, and some say – of linguists [13] – that the word Arab is found in some of the stories and descriptions of Greek and Persian, was intended Arbab the Arabian Peninsula, There was no certain Arab language, but all the languages ​​spoken by the tribes and the tribes who lived in the Arabian Peninsula called for an Arab language relative to the Arabian Peninsula.
Arabic language Semitic languages, which witnessed a great development and a change in the stages of the Interior, and the Qur’an the great virtue of the Arabic language as because of him becoming the language the only branch of the Semitic languages, which maintained the Tohjh and universality; when extinct most of the Semitic languages, and what remains of them except for the local languages ​​of small scale, such as Hebrew, Amharic (the language of the people of Abyssinia, which is known today as Ethiopia), and the Arabic language is now spoken by nearly 422 million people as their mother tongue, as spoken by the non-Arab Muslims about the same number as a second language.

The spread of Semitic languages ​​around the first century AD.
Arabic linguists separated into three major categories: the traditional or standard Arabic, and official, and the spoken or colloquial Arabic. Among the three, is the traditional Arab form of the Arabic language which is literally in the Quran, the name of the product. Qur’anic Arabic is used only in religious institutions, and sometimes in education, but did not speak in general. Arab standard on the other hand is the official language in the Arab world are used in non-religious literature, such as institutions, Arabic Ami "slang", spoken by the majority of people Klhjtahm daily. Colloquial Arabic different from region to region, such as almost any tone similar to any other language.
[Edit] decline of the Semitic languages
Some say that the Arabic language Semitic languages ​​are closer to the "parent Semitic language," has become this theory is the most widely accepted theories of the researchers. Because it retained elements of an ancient Semitic language belonging to the mother more than any other Semitic language. In it sounds not found in any of the Semitic languages ​​other, as well as a system to express and many of the formulas for the masses crushing and many phenomena other language that existed in the Semitic language of the mother. [14] The Arabic language "Adnaniyah," or "North", the earliest languages ​​to the original, which branched off from the Semitic languages, because the Arabs of the North did not Imetzjoa often with other nations, not subjecting them other nations to their rule, as was the case in many nations other former Kalabranyen, Babylonians, Assyrians, Vhfezthm the desert from the invasion of enemies and the rule of foreign nations, and preserved their language of to be significantly affected with others [15].
Also, the Arabic language is the most-preserved features of the High Commissioner has retained most of the first voices of Semitic language and the grammatical and morphological characteristics, [16] has retained the lost voices of some languages ​​such as: g, h, x, Z, AA, W, LLC. Not challenged in this province but the South Arabian, and retained well-marked expression, while it lost the Semitic languages ​​other, and most of the formulas derivative of the Semitic mother: the name of the actor, in effect, conduct of pronouns with nouns and verbs: Betty, your house, home, I saw him, he saw me. Arab and retained most of the original versions of signal names and pronouns and names are linked. As the Dictionary of Classical Arabic is a huge wealth of verbal equivalent is not any dictionary Sami last, it became helpful to the scientists to make comparisons Semitics language or reading texts such as texts of ancient Semitic effects Akkadian, Phoenician, and Ugaritic texts and even the Hebrew Bible [17].
[Edit] unification of Arab dialects
Main article: The language of classical Arabic
Indicates the remainder of the pre-Islamic poetry to the present, that the Arab tribes North made up with each other on the tone of literary classical deliberately poets at various tribes to the systems of their hair out, [18] Fartfawa so for the tone of their tribes to the tone of literary public, and then retained the characteristics that characterized by each tribe in its tone did not intervene in the poetry of poets very little. Thus, the tone of classical Arabic, which ended with the language of the Koran, the Hadith and the hair goes from ignorance, and all that Roy of prose for the ignorant and the Islamists’ first; is a form of language, which fused and united the dialects of Northern Arabs and some dialects of southern Arabs, a dialect of Quraish, and the historical circumstances that prompted Mecca to get to where it enjoyed the prestige of a private and effective in the areas of trade and economic activity, social and religious, are the same as that paid to the tone of the Quraysh to occupy pride of place, have formed a magnet come together then the other Arabic dialects North in particular and emotional for the [18].

Mecca: pre-Islamic Arabs in the Forum, where the dominance of the Quraish and its religious significance, to contribute to the unification of Arab dialects.
The Mecca center to attract the hearts of the Arabs in pre-Islamic and have them wide influence because of their religious, spiritual and economic material, as the Meccans custodians of the Kaaba, a house of worship, and the caravans roam around the Arabian Peninsula, and Arabs meet them in their festivals and religious Mwasmanm literary and commercial, [18] They live markets in the months of the year for Baaat, shopping, moving from each other, Vtdauhm nature of the meeting to Almgardh saying, and to bargain in view, and Alambadehh hair, and Flaunt articulate, and bragging Bamahamd and honor the original was that the Arabs aid the unification of the tongue, customs and religion and morals, as the poet or Khatib but envisages general terms and methods common to explain it intentionally Samaihn and hope in the multiplication Mchaieih. The narrators of his hair flying behind him and the tribes are capable of spreading the parts are deployed with his tone and manner and the idea [19].
And interfered in the religious situation and the outstanding economic, political reasons, that the Arab tribes strike on the edge of the Arabian Peninsula was under pressure of the neighboring countries of the Persians and the Romans and the Ethiopians, in addition to the spread of Judaism and Christianity; made the Arabs realize that they are in urgent need of liaison and cooperation to push the enemy and stand in the face of the two religions, which Ngokayev religion pagan, Valtvo around Mecca is home Kaabthm and pilgrimage. [18] and all this was able to Quraish to impose its tone on the Arabs and to eliminate the confusion that is repeated, so that became the literary language by formulating the Adeithm religious ideas and feelings of being a language of expression art in poetry, rhetoric and power, and being also the language of the interaction between the various tribes. Perhaps the strongest evidence on the rule of tone Qurashiyyah and spread wide to those delegations that had benefited to the Prophet Muhammad from the West and the East in the Yamama, Bahrain, you shall take him and reach an understanding with him without difficulty, in return, the Prophet sent to them preachers Aazounam and teaching them the principles of Islamic law [18].
[Edit] era of prosperity
See also: The Golden Age of Islam

The book "The Canon of Medicine" of Ibn Sina, a doctor with Persian roots, without the Arabic language.

The first page of the Canadian book includes a description of the cryptanalysis and the analysis repeated in Arabic.
Was of the conquests of the Islamic after the death of the Prophet Mohammed a large impact in spreading the Arabic language in different parts out of the Arabian Peninsula, having converted many of the Syrians, Copts, the Romans and Berbers, Assyrians to Islam, they became Arab-language Similarly, for two main reasons, including that the new language was the language of religion recent origin, the language of the source of primary legislation in Islam (Qur’an, hadith), and because the prayer and some acts of worship again, is not only perfectly some of the words of this language, and also for the Arabization of collections of cities to a recent conquest, during the reign of the Umayyad Caliph Abdul Malik bin Marwan, and so became the Arabic language policy and management after the transferred technical terms in the administration and account. [20] and despite the fact that many Arab nations remained on the identity has not accept the Arab identity, such as a large proportion of Berbers, Turks, Kurds, Persians, and some of the Assyrians, Syrians, they Tlguent Arabic and Tkelmtha fluently as well as their native language, because some of them converted to Islam, such as the Kurds, Persians, Turks, and even those who stayed on the Christian religion or the Jewish or Mandaean Sabian, spoke Arabic as a major addition to their mother tongue, after it became the language of science and literature during the Golden Age of the Islamic state, under the Abbasid Caliphate, but to those people quoted the Arabic alphabet to write their own language. [21] Over time, Arabic became the language of worship for a large number of Christian churches in the Arab world, such as churches, Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Syriac, as I wrote out a lot Business of the Jewish religious and intellectual in the Middle Ages.
Contributed to a number of Persians in the development of the Arabic language and terminology during the Umayyad and Abbasid thanks to what brought him to the Arab Science translated from their native language, demonstrated in the Arab words and new terms were not unheard of before, such as "Bimaristan", derived from Persian, and during the golden age reached Arabic maximum prosperity, where the cross-writers, poets, scientists, Arabs and Persians for their ideas in this language, I wrote thousands of folders, books and manuscripts on various subjects tongue of the Arabs. [21] The importance of the Arabic language in the scientific and cultural, that quoted some European languages ​​words which during the Crusader in the Orient, or through acculturation and mixing with the Arabs of Andalusia, and the most affected by the Arabic language: English, French, Spanish, Italian and German.
[Edit] Prince of recession
During the thirteenth century swept across the Arab Middle East Mongols led by Hulagu Khan, Vomanoa the parameters of culture and civilization devastating, leaving the Muslims in the case described by Orientalist Karen Armstrong orphaned, Vvgahae and scholars of the Mamluk period were not interested in the development of fatwas and the jurisprudence and the various sciences, as they were interested in re- compilation of what has been lost and the loss of them, [22] But despite this, the Arabic language continued language important in Islamic countries, but it has been receding in the Iberian Peninsula with the Spanish recovery of the country little by little and killed or exiled Muslim population, has also taken importance of scientific decline after the recession of Arab scientific discoveries, and the start of the torch of civilization to Europe.
The other hand took the Arabic language to find a foothold, as a religion mainly in Anatolia and the Balkans through conquests Ottoman Empire in those respects, and to embrace a number of the population to Islam, and the most prominent evidence of the spread of Arabic in the flung argument institution of the city of Sarajevo in the year 1462, which written in Arabic after being subjected to Ottoman rule. [23] Arabic became the second official language in the Islamic state when transmission of the succession to the sons of Osman, and by the sixteenth century the Arabic language has turned the language of the Islamic religion only, and I said, its importance to science and literature, as Ottoman is not a scientific or cultural achievements of significant, as was the case in the Abbasid period, and during this era took back a distance is widening between the Arabic dialects, some even became a stranger to some speech and expression.
[Edit] Prince of recovery and the current situation
See also: Literature itinerant

Ameen Rihani, a Diaspora writers who contributed to the revival of the Arabic language during the late nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century.
Having dominated the Arabic language a bit of a recession for nearly 400 years, took in the late nineteenth century witnessed some recovery. Demonstrated that recovery renaissance culture in the Levant and Egypt because of the increased literacy rate and the opening of a lot of printing, grouping Arabic letters, and newspapers modern in that language for the first time, also appeared several associations and literary writers and poets contributed to the revival of classical Arabic, and these: Ahmed Shawki, nicknamed the Prince of poets, Sheikh Nassif Yazigi, teacher Peter gardener, Ameen Rihani and Gibran Khalil Gibran. [24] was founded by those writers dictionaries, dictionaries of modern, such as the Encyclopedia and a dictionary around the ocean, and provided books phyma in various arts knowledge, having translated and Aguetpsoa Masterpieces

تسلميييييييييييييييييين الغاليه غلا والله يخليك يارب ويوفقك انا بحتفظ فيه عنددي وبشوف بعدين امخمخ عليه يسلمووووووووووو
يسلللللللمج خليجية

اجمعييييييين يارب خليجية


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