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أبرة الظهر : اللي جربوا بس

صباحكم راحة

ودي اسأل عن تجاربكم مع ابرة الظهر
انا مرعوبة من الطلق مع اني جربته 5 مرات
بس كل تجاربي تعب وألم مو طبيعي
وهالمره بخاطري مااتألم
والله جايني وسواس حتى وانا نايمه اتخيل الولادة
خايفه أنجن خليجية

اشرايكم !

الله يهون عليج يآرب
مآجربتهآ ..
بصراحة ماجربتها
بس كل اللي اعرفهم واستخدموها يمدحونها
انا جربتها واول اسبوع عوار بالظهر وبعدين عادي
جربتها روووعه واحلى تجربه الصراحه ولا ياني عوار او مشكله بالظهر الحمدلله لان كلام الدكاتره ان مالها اي تثاير على الظهر فيما بعد
انا جربتها بجري حلوه وتريح
اول جم يوم عوار بالظهر يعني عادي
ما في منها مضار كلش
You’re probably going to have to learn how to do WOW level development on your ownRuneScape Gold.When I was a teenager, as soon as I finished reading Peter Norton’s famous guide to programming the WOW level in Assembler, I was convinced that I knew everything there was to know about software development in general. Heck, I was ready to start a software company to make a word processor, you see, and it was going to be really good. My imaginary software company was going to have coffee breaks with free donuts every hour. A lot of my daydreams for WOW level in those days involved donuts. When I got out of the army, I headed off to college and got a degree in Computer Science. Now I really knew everything. I knew more than everything, because I had learned a bunch of computer-scientific junk about linear algebra and NP completeness and frigging lambda calculus which was obviously useless, so I thought they must have run out of useful things to teach us and were scraping the bottom of the barrelBuy WOW Gold.NopeFinal Fantasy Gil. At my first job I noticed how many things there are that many Computer Science departments are too snooty to actually teach you. Things like software teamwork. Practical advice about user interface design. Professional tools like source code control, bug tracking databases, debuggers and profilers. Business things. Computer Science departments in the most prestigious institutions just won’t teach you this stuff because they consider it “vocational,” not academic; the kind of thing that high school dropouts learn at the local technical institute so they can have a career as an auto mechanic, or an air-conditioner repairman, or a (holding nose between thumb and forefinger) “software developer.” I can sort of understand that attitude. After all, many prestigious undergraduate institutions see their goal as preparing you for life, not teaching you a career, least of all a career in a field that changes so rapidly any technologies you learn now will be obsolete in a decadeCheap RS Gold.Over the next decade I proceeded to learn an incredible amount about software development and all the things it takes to produce software. I worked on WOW level team, at Viacom on the web team, and at Juno on their email client. And, you know what? At every point in the learning cycle, I was completely convinced that I knew everything there was to know about software development. “Maybe you’re just an arrogant sod?” you ask, possibly using an even spicier word than “sod.” I beg your pardon: this is my foreword; if you want to be rude write your own damn foreword, tear mine out of the book, and put yours in instead.There’s something weird about software development, some mystical quality, that makes all kinds of people think they know how to do WOW level. I’ve worked at dotcom-type companies full of liberal arts majors with no software experience or training who nevertheless were convinced that they knew how to manage software teams and design user interfaces. This is weird, because nobody thinks they know how to remove a burst appendix, or rebuild a car engine, unless they actually know how to do it, but for some reason there are all these people floating around who think they know everything there is to know about software development RuneScape Gold.
انا ولدت برويال حياة قبل 3 سنين وكنت قيصرية وخذيت ابرة ظهر وكانت عجيبة ماشالله وماكو عوار ظهر ولا شي .. اتكلي على الله ولا تخافين
عجيبه انصحج فيها …بس استخيري احسن انا عورني ظهري بعد الولاده اسبوع او اقل وراح الالم الحمدالله وولدت برويال وايلي عطاني الابره دكتور عمران ماشالله ايده خفيفه والله يسهل علييج
ما اقول الا تهبل
على فكرة انا ماخذتها مرتين
الاولى بالمواساة بس ما تخدرت لانهم ما عرفوا للعامود الفقري
الثانيه تو قبل شهر برويال اكتشفوا ان فيني انحراف بالعامود الفقري وقزوني عدل والحمدلله تخدرت
بس ارد واقول تجنن
مساء الخير انا مرتين اخذتها بناتي ماكو الا العافيه لان مايعطيها الا استشاري متخصص توكلي علي الله
الابره عجيبه انه اول ماخذيتها صراحه خفت بس الحمدالله رب العالمين
انه 12ساعه طلق وماحسيت
وانشالله الله يسهل عليج وتولدين بالسلامه
الله يسهل عليج انا اخذتها بولاداتي ببناتي والله انها عجيبه وحده خذيتها بالعدان ووحده بالسلام بس الي بالسلام روووعه ووايد زينه لاعوووار ولا الم ووقت الولاده تشوفين كل شي وواعيه له لادايخه ولاشي وانا كل ما وحده عندنه تبي تولد انصحها فيها بعدين تقووولي صج عجيبه وتريح والله يسهل لج

انا جربت الولاده الطبيعيه مرتين كمام

واخر ولاده كانت ابرة ظهر بس قيصري

ولا حسيت بشئ لا طلق ولا بطيخ

وخذتها بصباااح وكاانت روعه بس وضعيي كان لازم قيصري والمستشفى الخاص حولني على الصباح

واذا انتي حيييل خواقه وتعذبتي بولاداتج لا اخذيها وارتاحي

ترى قبل كانوا الحريم يوولدون فالبيت وتطوروا وراحوا الطبيب عقب كنوا ياخذون مخدر خفيف وعقب تطوروا وصار كمام اللي نعرفه

والحين تطوروا وصار ابرة ظهر باجر الكل راح ياخذها وما يندرى بيتطورون بعدين شنوا راح يسون لنا نحمل برا الظاهر

الله يسهل عليج ياااارب

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