بنات منو تساعدنى وتكون مدرسه للصف السابع ولدى اختباره يوم السبت
والمدرس ما حل اسئله set book وانا مخى مسكر مانى قادره احلهم ولها مني كل الشكر
what isKuwait famous for-1?
2-How many machies arethere in your kitchen?
3-why do millions of Muslims go to Mecca?
4-what do you do if youdo not know the answer?
5-when do people run away?
6-? whatcan youdo if your shoes are old
7-what doesUSA stand for?
8-whatdo you promise your teacher?
9-how many cities are there in Kuwait?
لا والله ماعرف
بس بقول لج اللي اعرفه منهم …
why do millions of Muslims go to Mecca؟؟ |
لمذا يذهب ملايين الناس لمكة؟؟؟
million muslims go to mecca to do Haj
لاداء فريضة الحج ..
؟؟what doesUSA stand for |
USA اختصار لماذا ..
USA stand for United States of America
how many cities are there in Kuwait |
ماعدد محافظات الكويت ؟؟؟
there are 6 cities in kuwait
ان شاالله اكون افدتج …وهذا اللي اعرفه بشكل عام …
Ihave four machines/2
I ask my teacher/4
when they face adanger/5
I can buy anew one/6
I promise my teacher that i will study hard